Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A Wake-Up Call for IT Security: Are Your Compliance Practices Fit for the Test?

The present IT environment is complex in nature, and much more than a handful of technical people operating and controlling systems with a few virus prevention tools. The complexity has increased manifold with a growing number of security threats being identified everyday. The security of confidential data is under question with potential risks from malicious attacks that could affect the very survival of a business. As per a report from IBM, It security Compliance issues have increased by 36% this year.

Timely Recognition of Long-Term Risks

Security cannot merely be defined in terms of Trojans, viruses or spam eagerly waiting to enter and incapacitate the central IT nervous system of an organization.
Even the careless attitude of employees can cause security breaches within the network, and intentional attempts like hacking or willful destruction of critical data also cannot be ignored. In order to deal with this growing concern, you require automated IT compliance software that can provide you with robust, end-to-end integration solutions.

Many organizations fail to enforce a compelling security environment that is in alignment with the business goals. The alarming rate at which these security threats are increasing is an indication that you need result-oriented techniques to help overcome this problem. The answer lies in an automated and integrated solution that can handle all IT risk management issues, and carry out overall effective corporate governance.

Intensifying the IT Environment with Cognitive Security Parameters

A cloud-based model capable of providing unified governance risk and compliance management solutions can help crack down potential threats, and can provide a remarkably safe IT environment. The solution contains a centralized repository for all compliance-based organizational data, and it considerably reduces the total cost of ownership due to its SaaS-based model.

It helps monitor and enforce the best regulatory standards and practices without delay. Due to its integrating feature, the time required for compliance is minimal, and the process is simple. Such an integrated compliance solution, addresses all vulnerability management needs by performing comprehensive scanning procedures, scheduling audits and providing exhaustive audit trails for all compliance related tasks, so that compliance gaps can be bridged promptly with corrective measures. It also provides a complete report of compliance statistics which in turn helps identify your compliance status.

The aim of a capable IT security solution is to provide a set of comprehensive features, with solutions for effective threat management. Its main objective is to resolve issues concerning data leakage, insider threats, intrusion detection, and verification of controls. Therefore, with an integrated, comprehensive security solution, enterprises can ensure a healthier and safer IT environment.

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