Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Compliance Solutions for Startups

Every startup has a number of challenges to overcome once they step into the competitive market. Decision-making can be confusing and intimidating with a lot of speculation involved. However, amongst other things, Risk Management should also be given its due attention. While you can certainly make use of privileges offered by IT for faster communication and quick decision-making, it is important to remember that the internet also has an unpleasant side to it. 

Cybercrime is a major concern today, because cyber attacks are not anymore based on rudimentary techniques. Rather, high-end technology is used to execute undetectable attacks that can cause immense losses to a business. And as a startup, managing costs during the nascent stage is a mighty challenge, and above this, the absence of a robust IT security system could completely exhaust your investments. 

Therefore, you need to ensure that the right solutions are in place to handle IT Compliance requirements and security needs. Enterprises have employed several tools to deal with regulatory issues, but have failed miserably. And the complexity involved in managing these security tools and applications has only added to the costs. So, what startup companies need for complete management of IT governance, risk and compliance, is an automated and integrated IT security solution.

Better Be Safe Than Sorry

While you cannot avoid the risks associated with your business, you can curb security threats to a great extent. And for this, you need an effective and efficient IT compliance management solution that can not only identify underlying threats but is also capable of implementing stringent measures to check their progress. Such a software solution has a supportive framework that integrates all compliance needs and smoothly handles the risk management process without adding costs. 

How Can Startups Benefit from IT Compliance Management Software?
  • Automation Simplifies Compliance Management- Automated processes help in detecting security threats, investigating and resolving issues and lowering risks. They address all issues related to compliance, asset and audit management, vulnerability management, reporting facilities, email integration, alert management, workflows, accessibility and control. The dashboard view provides you transparent and high visibility of the compliance status.
  • Reduction in TCO and Better ROI – These solutions are cloud-based and therefore help in faster deployment of services, which reduces the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and provides better ROI. The real-time assessment of risks saves wastage of time.
  • Flexibility and Integrating Abilities – With compliance management software, you can adapt yourself to new governance requirements and can also integrate several compliance frameworks into one- such as HIPAA, GLBA, SOX, FISMA etc, without much effort.
As a startup company you can leverage the convenience of the best solutions for IT risk management without having to go through the trial and error process. Cloud-based compliance solutions have versatile capabilities that can address all issues related to security, risk and governance in your IT environment.

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