Friday, November 19, 2010

Best Practices for Threat management

‘Cyber security threats’ is now the core topic of discussion amongst enterprises and will continue to be in the coming years. This is because It security compliance concerns have assumed unimaginable dimensions in the past years, posing a major challenge to the survival of businesses. Hence enterprises are now focusing more on curbing threats and making their business environment more secure and compliant. 

Get cracking; threats are real!

Threats to systems and networks worldwide have been on the rise. For instance, the blaster worm in 2009 managed to shut down close to 120,000 systems in just 3 minutes, ensuring that networks across the world were affected. In another such attack, the Slammer worm infected nearly 55 million hosts per second in just 11 minutes. Susceptibilities in enterprise systems and the perpetrators of such actions are increasing globally, and IT organizations are more and more vulnerable to these attacks. 

Be it internal or external, security threats can cause not just financial losses, but can also tarnish the image of an enterprise. Hence threat management has to take precedence over other activities. Enterprises should therefore follow best practices and invest in the best solutions to manage security threats effectively. 

What are the best practices for effective threat management?

Managing threats is not an easy task, especially because enterprises today want their threat management efforts to coincide with It compliance management as well. So an ideal threat management solution should essentially: 

  • Crack multiple data-centric information security challenges
  • Decipher and detect in real-time advanced persistent and pervasive threats
  • Detect automatically for any kind of data leakages
  • Search for insider threats
  • Provide detailed malware analysis
  • Undertake continuous and automatic controls verification including e-discovery
  • Deliver a holistic solution for both security as well as for IT-Governance Risk and Compliance that can be easily monitored through an integrated dashboard
  • Provide an end-to-end automatic enterprise security solution that is all encompassing for compliance, audit and risk management needs.
  • Swiftly update software with latest information
  • Stay ahead of potential threats
  • Thwart threats at their source
A company’s network, its information systems, databases, and processes are essentially its backbone. Hence, they must be made secure from threats, both internal and external. Therefore, deploying the right threat management system can prevent data breach and safeguard the company’s networks, systems and assets.

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