Monday, August 29, 2011

Tips to Ensure HITECH Compliance

THE HITECH or Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH Act) came into effect on February 17, 2009 aimed at providing funds and safeguarding the usage of electronic exchange of health information. This Act has brought in significant changes in the healthcare industry's approach to data protection. In order to reduce data breaches, the new Act makes it mandatory for healthcare organizations to notify  privacy breaches to their patients. With greater emphasis laid on storing and safeguarding of vital patient information, the new compliance rule states that access to patient information should be restricted.

The need for effective documentation of policies and procedures on security-related issues has left many healthcare providers worrying about adhering to these compliance measures. On matters such as risk assessments, incident reports, and logging system activities, healthcare providers are uncertain as to how to handle these issues. By investing in a solution that can handle compliance requirements easily and effectively, healthcare providers can efficiently manage these matters, ensuring best HITECH compliance. Steps must be taken to reinforce safeguards for EMRs/EHRs and facilitate secure storage and movement of these valuable data. With large number of health information elements taking an electronic form that enables sharing across the healthcare system, the risk and impact of a security breach of the electronic data has become more significant. The following tips can help healthcare facilities prepare for HITECH regulations.

●        Categorizing of Content by PHI
●        Ensure the Protection of PHI at rest and in motion
●        Ensure secure exchange of files
●        Track and ensure correct Message delivery

With the creation of suitable secure information exchange, it can be assured that healthcare facilities are on the right path to meeting the requirements of the HITECH Act. It is therefore important to seek out a compliance management software solution that can offer optimized HITECH compliance management techniques that can be of great advantage to any healthcare provider.

Click here for more on compliance healthcare, ISO 27002

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