Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Advantages of Healthcare Compliance Solutions

Did you know that the Occupational Safety and Heath Administration (OSHA) is the body that checks if private and public healthcare enterprises are complying as per the safety and health regulations? OSHA conducts inspections and safety audits of different healthcare organizations to check for any non-compliance. Healthcare providers who ignore such safety compliance measures can be held liable and will be asked to pay stiff penalties and fines. Therefore the greatest advantage of paying heed to healthcare compliance guidelines is that healthcare organizations can rest assured of facing any kind of federal and other serious consequences of non-compliance. 

HIPAA or HITECH compliance includes health care access, portability and also the facility of renewing healthcare medical insurance coverage.  It provides the best means to look for any kind of healthcare fraud or abuse. These compliance regulations contain a framework that outlines how costs can be drastically reduced with the standardization of healthcare transactions. Furthermore such regulations safeguard the interests of patients.  Additionally these healthcare compliance regulations contact some provisions that also concerns tax security for medical savings accounts. There are quite a few healthcare compliance solutions providers that can assist in the planning of healthcare compliance requirements. These requirements include healthcare providers being aware of managing and executing security measures for all the health related information of the patients, install intrusion devices to secure and prevent unauthorized access to patient’s health information and conduct risk assessments and audits that can ensure that all data is safeguarded efficiently. 

The current regulatory scenario is highly complex and to survive it requires for healthcare providers and organizations to have a workable compliance plan in place. Most healthcare providers have either employed compliance managers but for small medical practices doing the same can be quite an expensive prospect, therefore such medical practices should opt for optimized healthcare compliance solutions. Solutions wherein you can be assured of provision of ways to automate processes and provision of best protection against anticipated threats. The solutions should help such small healthcare providers that can better equip them to construct security model wherein only certain qualified professionals will be allowed to access patient’s health information. The basic idea is to employ an efficient healthcare compliance solutions partner that can help small medical practices save up on unnecessary costs and yet remain compliant to all regulations. 

With fines ranging from whopping amounts of $25,000 yearly to around $250,000, it is time that all healthcare providers big or small woke up to the grim prospect that non-compliance can result in. 

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