In 2005, when HIPAA came into effect, healthcare organizations were required to mitigate risks by conducting periodic risk assessment. But until recently a significant number of healthcare entities did not put this into practice. According to a recent survey 14 percent of hospitals and 33 percent of clinics were yet to conduct their first risk assessment. However, the EHR program funded by the federal economic stimulus package has been a catalyst for information protection.
The billions of dollars worth of incentives set aside for hospitals and physicians for implementing secure Electronic Medical Recordkeeping (EMR) have spurred security initiatives in the healthcare industry. Many healthcare entities are now ramping up their security measures in risk assessment, encryption and email security, data loss prevention, and providing formal security training to employees.
To qualify for these incentives however, healthcare organizations must use an EMR system that has been certified to include specific functions comprising a strong set of security features. Hence, issues including threat mitigation, risk analysis, and compliance with HIPAA and HITECH Acts have now come to the forefront. However, a significant challenge stems from the fact that most medical practitioners are unfamiliar with encryption and user authentication technology, and the idea of conducting a risk assessment is foreign to them.
Sole practitioners and small healthcare entities especially face issues in achieving and maintaining compliance with HIPAA and HITECH Acts. With HITECH redefining the responsibilities of Business Associates, creating stricter notification standards, tightening enforcement, and raising penalties for non-compliance, small healthcare entities are in need of a solution that can manage these elements efficiently and in a cost-effective manner.
Moreover, with the HITECH Act promoting and offering incentives for the adoption of secure EMR, small medical practitioners face a growing dilemma since adopting an EMR system not only means government incentives, but also greater security risks and bigger penalties for non-compliance. This is where eGestalt’s SecureGRC SB comes in handy.
SecureGRC SB: Simplified HIPAA/HITECH Compliance Solution for Small Medical Practices
A unified security monitoring and compliance management solution delivered on the cloud, SecureGRC SB is the first of its kind. It offers an inexpensive, easy-to-use, automated system of compliance, specially designed for small medical practices, and their Business Associates to identify, remediate and maintain their HIPAA and HITECH compliance.
With built-in HIPAA/HITECH support, SecureGRC SB efficiently addresses all HIPAA/HITECH requirements, and also helps manage Business Associates with a simple wizard-driven automation tool. SecureGRC SB can be easily extended and automatically kept up-to-date with latest versions and revisions of these Acts
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